Saturday, 29 December 2012

Sexual motivation

Okey dokey my peeps.  It seems the majority have spoken with regards the number of views for particular posts.  Although my primary posts will be on science, especially Earth science and astronomy, I also am going to start blogging more on sociology, social psychology and human emotions including behaviour.  I am no way an expert in this, but this is part of my study along with the earth sciences as well.

I get more views when I talk about psychology, especially when it comes down to the intimate areas. I myself like this area, and many of you would have realised that if you have read my past posts on such subjects, so therefore, tonight I have decided to blog on a particularly important topic, to me anyway, that being sexual motivation, because it is indeed a science in itself.

Like hunger, sex is a universal drive based on biology, but its expression varies considerably from culture to culture and from person to person.  In fact, sexual motivation is even more variable than hunger.  Most people eat three meals a day if they are lucky, whereas sexual appetites defy generalisations.  Sexual behaviour is driven as much by fantasies as by hormones (this is why I do so much love having a vivid imagination): indeed, the primary sexual organ in humans is arguably not the genitals but the brain.

Apparently, the average sexually active person in Australia reports having sex twice a week (Australian Research Centre in Sex, Health & Society, 2004).  Good for them, all I can say is that If you compare it to the meals you have in a day, I'm always hungry!! :/

Anyway, the sexual response cycle... Yep, it has a cycle, that begins with a phase of excitement! Why of course!! Characterised by increased muscle tension, engorgement of blood vessels in the genitals causing, well guys and gals...I'm sure you know the answer to that.  Maximum arousal occurs during the second phase, or plateau, phase.  During this stage, heart rate, respiration, muscle tension and blood pressure reach their peak. The third phase, orgasm, BOOM! Characterised by vaginal contractions in females and ejaculation in males... Of course, you all know this.  However, the science behind an orgasm has been of much debate amongst scientist and is not truly understood.  Although the subjective experience of orgasm is very similar in men and women.

Watch the YouTube video I have linked to learn a little about the science of an orgasm... Very interesting stuff :D Woman though, seem to get the better deal when it comes (no pun intended), to the grand finarle'y. We experience it for longer, and multiply times... One hopes.

Humans do not have the same kinds of genetically based mating rituals or mating seasons as others animals, thank god.  However, biological influences on human dating and mating are obvious, from the 'plumage' displayed by both sexes at a party, to scents and perfume, to the pheromones that go off when there is a certain "chemistry" when you meet someone in particular that you find irresistible, oh yes those pheromones are the bodies natural scent, and those hormones have two effects on the nervous system and behaviour: organisational and activational, which I won't go into detail here.

So, do you feel motivated now??? I sure do.... Wonder what my next blog will be about :D

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