Saturday, 6 July 2013

What is a good life?

What is a good life? What is happiness? What is success? What is pleasure? How should I treat other people? How should I cope with unfortunate events? How can I get rid off unnecessary worry?

There are a lot of people out there, scientists, psychologists, researchers and authors that have good ideas about what makes a well balanced, good life.  Many of their ideas and "Golden Rules" do work, generally speaking, rules or guidelines such as love more, forgive more, worry less, work less, all help to try and create some form of balance.  However, we are all different and we all lead very different life styles that dynamically change from day to day, year to year, so it is therefore very hard to stick to such rules or guidelines at all times. 

Most of us have ideas about who we are and many, many rigid ideas about how life ought to be lived.  This is not to condemn us, for each of us is doing the very best we can this very moment.  If we knew better, if we had more understanding and awareness, then we would do it differently.  The last thing I think anyone should do, is to put themselves down for being who they are. 

It is the way we learn to think about ourselves and about our world.  For example, if you lived or were around people who were very unhappy, angry, selfish or very negative, then you learn a lot of negative things about yourself and your world - well of course you would!  So it is very, very important to surround yourselves with people who make you feel good.  Who make you smile and laugh, who make you feel good and whom you look up to and love.  Treasure Friendship.  Friendship cannot just be acquired, but must be nurtured and treasured in relations built on trust and amity.  

Love someone, be loved by someone, love yourself, be happy to be alive, respect and appreciate nature, see the beauty in everything, do your best.No matter what you are doing right now in your life, know that you are doing it for a reason, love what you do and know that life is dynamic and changes many times.  You may feel slightly spun off your axis at times but know that this will not always be how it is.  I think balance finds you and not the other way around.  It is very hard to plan out your life, especially if you are very busy, sometimes saying that you will put a few hours aside on a weekend for relaxation, or to catch up with family or go out with your partner, just does not always work out.  I think that true friends, family and partners who are meant to be in your life understand this and help you along your journey just as they themselves have their own journey. Remember, sometimes it isn't you that needs to change, but it is the people around you that may not be the 'right' people to be around.  You need to learn when to let go.

Never feel bad about being too busy because it is probably just what you are meant to be doing at this particular junction, just be happy that you are doing something you love to do.  There will be plenty of time to relax later in life.  If someone asked me what main things I want in life, goals such as say, wealth, a big house, regular holidays... I would not be able to answer this.  All I would say, for me, is that a good life is to be healthy, to be loved and to love, to love what you do and be passionate and most of all, just to be happy.

I am very much looking forward to going to see social researcher, writer and commentator Hugh Mackay about his new book 'The Good Life'The good life is not the sum of our security, wealth, status, postcode, career success and levels of happiness. The good life is one defined by our capacity for selflessness, the quality of our relationships and our willingness to connect with others in a useful way.  

If you are in Fremantle on Tuesday, I would recommend dropping by.  Check out the link below from our Mayor who will be speaking with Hugh.

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